B5 High Flyers

B5 High Flyers
There's no stopping us!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Garage Sale

A big Kia Ora to the Glenholme community for your monster effort in making our garage sale a huge success! A huge mihi and thanks to those parents that were able to come in and organize the room, you all rock! Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa!


  1. Hi High Flyers,
    Looks like I missed an awesome event. Thanks for sharing it on your blog because now at least I can see what happened. I love the shiny red car too. I wonder how much it sold for?
    From Paula

  2. a garage sale

  3. Thats alot of stuf!

  4. hi
    I hope the garage sale went good and poeple got good goodies.

    buy Ayushi

  5. Congratulations B5 on your fundraising efforts. The children in C2 really enjoyed looking for treasures to buy and they found a lot of bargains.

    Mrs Norton


Thank you for visiting our class blog site. Kia pai tou ra...have a great day:)